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LOFTER injects creativity


LOFTER Team and Values define who we are. We are guided by our values of Passion, Vitality, Originality, Quality, and Sustainability, together with our management team’s leadership; the Group is breaking new grounds and reaching new heights.


Japan has a comprehensive scheme for implementing this tool under its Urban Redevelopment Law. This scheme allows landowners, tenants, and developers to use the opportunity of new transit development in built-up areas to create development opportunities. The government helps with and benefits from this process by changing zoning codes from residential to mixed-use, while also allowing for up-zoning. For details of this scheme, see box below.

The URA motto is “We help owners to help themselves”. Since 2004, the URA has been providing assistance to owners so as to encourage them to undertake proper repair and maintenance of buildings, making their homes safer and better. Various schemes have assisted owners of about 145,000 units in over 2,600 buildings to start building rehabilitation work.

The URA has implemented over 60 redevelopment projects, providing about 26,000 square metres of open space, some 53,000 square metres of Government/Institution and Community facilities as well as about 18,000 new residential units and approximately 400,000 square metres of commercial areas.

While URA retains the statutory responsibilities for urban renewal under the URA Ordinance, the Housing Society will undertake the acquisition of properties required for the project, rehousing of tenants affected and the subsequent construction and the disposal of the new buildings at the site. It will also be responsible for all costs involved as well as the financial outcome of the projects.

The consultation was structured as a discussion of the evidence on environmental and health impacts of remediation, a review of European redevelopment case studies and a reflection on the applicability of impact assessment tools during remediation and redevelopment processes. Summarizing the conclusions, this report identifies good practices and important elements that should be considered for remediation and redevelopment projects.

Under the MOU, the Housing Society initially took up five projects clustered in Sham Shui Po and two in Shau Kei Wan in line with the policies of the URA. Subsequently, the industrial project in Shau Kei Wan was returned to URA.

As of March 2016, a total of 69 redevelopment projects have been commenced by the URA, providing around 23,000 new flats and about 75,000m2 is devoted to various community facilities.

Through redevelopment, the URA replaces dilapidated buildings with modern and sustainable living environment, so as to provide wider social and economic benefits for districts as a whole.





周杰倫,這位華語樂壇的傳奇人物,以其獨特的音樂風格和深情的歌詞,贏得了無數歌迷的喜愛。在過去的三年裏,他通過一系列的演唱會,再次向全球展示了他的音樂魅力和舞臺風采。本文將詳細介紹周杰倫近三年的演唱會時間、地點以及各自的特色。   #### 2022年:全面回歸,多地巡演  ...


周杰倫,這位華語樂壇的傳奇人物,以其獨特的音樂風格和非凡的創作才華,成爲了無數樂迷心中的偶像。他的演唱會更是每一次都引起轟動,不僅因爲他的音樂魅力,還因爲他總能邀請到衆多重量級嘉賓助陣,爲觀衆帶來一場場視聽盛宴。以下是對周杰倫演唱會上曾出現的幾位重要嘉賓的回顧。  ...


生活在時尚品味之城的日常   在這個快節奏而又充滿魅力的時代,選擇居住在一個被時尚氣息深深浸染的城市,無疑爲生活增添了幾分獨特的韵味與色彩。我所在的這座城市,正是這樣一個將古典與現代完美融合,藝術與商業幷肩發展的時尚之都。在這裏,每一天都像是在漫步于一場永不落幕的盛宴,讓人...


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