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What is the config and what is the estimated price for a ultimate powerful PC for gaming in HKD?


To assemble a powerful PC for gaming , here is a suggested configuration along with estimated prices in Hong Kong dollars (HKD):

1. Processor (CPU): Intel Core i9-9900K or AMD Ryzen 9 5900X - Estimated Price: HKD 4,500-5,500

2. Graphics Card (GPU): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 or AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT - Estimated Price: HKD 12,000-15,000

3. Memory (RAM): 16GB or 32GB DDR4 RAM (3200MHz or higher) - Estimated Price: HKD 800-1,500

4. Storage:

- Solid State Drive (SSD): 1TB NVMe SSD - Estimated Price: HKD 800-1,500

- Hard Disk Drive (HDD): 2TB or more for additional storage - Estimated Price: HKD 500-800

5. Motherboard: High-end motherboard compatible with the chosen CPU - Estimated Price: HKD 2,000-3,000

6. Power Supply Unit (PSU): 750W or higher, 80+ Gold or Platinum certified - Estimated Price: HKD 800-1,200

7. PC Case: Mid Tower or Full Tower case with good airflow and cable management - Estimated Price: HKD 500-1,000

8. Cooling:

- CPU Cooler: High-performance air cooler or liquid cooler - Estimated Price: HKD 500-1,000

- Case Fans: Additional case fans for optimal airflow - Estimated Price: HKD 200-500

9. Peripherals:

- Monitor: High-resolution and high-refresh-rate gaming monitor - Estimated Price: HKD 2,500-5,000

- Keyboard: Mechanical gaming keyboard - Estimated Price: HKD 500-1,000

- Mouse: Gaming mouse with adjustable DPI - Estimated Price: HKD 300-800

- Headset: Gaming headset with good audio quality - Estimated Price: HKD 500-1,500

Please note that these prices are approximate and can vary depending on brand, retailer, and availability. It's also recommended to check the latest prices and compare different options to get the best deal. Additionally, prices may fluctuate over time due to market conditions and product availability.

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